Precision nutritional strategies to reactivate the immune system impaired as a consequence of age, obesity or chemotherapy (Y2020/BIO-6350).
Precision Nutrition for Immune System Enhancement

What is Precision Nutrition?
Precision Nutrition is nutrition tailored to the individual, to prevent or treat a disease according to the specific characteristics of the person.

How does diet affect the immune system?
Nutrition is key to maintaining a healthy immune system, which protects us from bacteria, viruses and other pathogenic organisms.

What is the NutriSi-ON Project?
NutriSi-ON combines basic and translational research in the field of Nutrition and Molecular Immunology with the aim of designing personalized nutritional formulas to reactivate an impaired immune system as a consequence of age, obesity or chemotherapy.

What is Precision Nutrition?
We seek to design strategies and precision nutritional formulas to slow the decline of the immune system as a consequence of aging, obesity or chemotherapeutic treatments.
NutriSi-ON will allow the development of nutritional supplements directed to the molecular targets of immune aging in different population groups, with potential implications in the prevention and response to infections, including COVID19, and enhancing the effectiveness of personalized treatments in chronic diseases.

Precision Nutrition and Cancer Program IMDEA Food