We participated in the MadridesCiencia Fair, organized by the Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d, at IFEMA – Feria de Madrid to disseminate and publicize the NutriSion project.

We participated in the MadridesCiencia Fair, organized by the Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d, at IFEMA – Feria de Madrid to disseminate and publicize the NutriSion project.
The director of IMDEA Food, Ana Ramírez de Molina, and the rector of the CEU San Pablo University, Rosa Visiedo, have signed a collaboration agreement
On November 7, representatives of Carrefour, Calidad Pascual, Barilla and Danone, met at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where the program ‘Challenges of innovation with
Comunidad de Madrid
Unión Europea
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Matilda studied Biology at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, and did her Bachelor thesis on the Sex Differences in Multiple Sclerosis at the University of Granada. Currently, she is writing her Master’s thesis at María Mittelbrunn’s Lab, aiming a Master degree in Neuro- and Behavioral biology.
Responsible for the Communication Unit of IMDEA Alimentación, specialist in scientific dissemination and leader of the European communication project #AnnualFoodAgenda, as well as all communication activities both national (science week, European night of researchers, etc..), and international in the various activities of EIT Food, at IMDEA Alimentación.
PhD in Molecular Biology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2002, extraordinary award), with more than 20 years of experience in the study of metabolism, nutrition and development of chronic diseases. She has made several research stays in London and New York. She has more than 100 articles of impact in the area, several book chapters, and 6 patents transferred to the industry and directed 9 doctoral theses.
She currently directs the Precision Nutrition Program in Cancer, and the GENYAL Platform for clinical trials in nutrition, genetics and health. She is also promoter and scientific director of several spin-offs P4H (Precision ForHealth, 2018) and FORCHRONIC (2019), innovative SMEs, with several products on the market. She has received the Young Researchers MSD Award, the International John Kinney Award and the distinction on March 8 of the Community of Madrid as an outstanding woman in Science and Technology.
PhD in Biochemistry from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Head of the Metabolic Reprogramming Unit applied to the study of metabolic alterations in chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, inflammation and cancer, with extensive experience in nutritional studies in humans.
He is an international reference in cellular metabolism.
PhD in Biochemistry from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, expert in genetic biomarkers and human studies. She has a continuous wide scientific production with more than 20 publications in international journals.
PhD in Biochemistry from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, with extensive experience in research on cancer and other chronic diseases, as well as in the study of metabolism in intestinal organoids.
Nutritionist and PhD in Biomedical Research from the University of Valladolid, with extensive experience in metabolism and molecular effects of bioactive compounds in food. Part of her activity is focused on the development of nutritional intervention studies and nutrigenetic assays in different population groups, where she combines her knowledge in genetics, nutrition and metabolism.
PhD in Biology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Researcher responsible for the nutrigenetic analysis platform, where genetic and transcriptomic determinations as well as cytokine panel analysis are performed.
PhD in Biology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, after working in the Netherlands for Syncom B.V., specialized in the synthesis of compounds active against different diseases, in 2018 he joined the group to carry out his Thesis as part of an Industrial Doctorate with Canaan Research and Investment.
Professor of Food Science and Technology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, expert in functional ingredients for specific health uses.
Jorge is establishing his own line of research and based on his experience and the background of Dr. Mittebrunn’s laboratory, he is addressing the role of vascular metabolism in different aortic aneurysm diseases. His extensive experience in technology transfer approaches is reflected in the fact that both during his PhD and now during these two years of postdoctoral period he has resulted in two different patents. He has published as first author in prestigious journals since his PhD.
He also has teaching experience, corroborated by the co-direction of 5 students (2 masters; graded 10/10, 2 undergraduate, 1 doctoral thesis). In addition, Jorge has participated as a teacher in two consecutive years in four different subjects, in the degrees of Biology, Biochemistry and Food Science and Technology of the UAM.
Assistant Professor at the Department of Biology of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), she obtained her undergraduate and doctoral studies at the UAM and has made international pre- and postdoctoral stays at the Massachusetts General Hospital (Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA) and the University of Durham (Durham, UK), respectively.
Experienced in the study of stem cells and epigenetic mechanisms. Elisa has an extensive scientific production, with about 30 publications and one patent. She is principal investigator of projects with public and private funding, promotes and organizes outreach events through the association “Comunica Biotec” and is part of the Equality Working Group of the CBMSO. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the Department of Biology at the UAM and in the international program UAM-Boston University, in addition to directing TFG, TFM and doctoral thesis students.
Principal investigator of the “Immunometabolism and Inflammation” laboratory at the Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Center (CSIC-UAM), where she investigates the contribution of immune cells to age-associated diseases. His research focuses on identifying the consequences of immune system decline during aging. Results from her laboratory have shown that the aging of our immune system, and specifically of T lymphocytes, not only makes us more vulnerable to infections, cancer and autoimmune diseases, but also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cognitive, metabolic and muscular failures.
María has published more than 60 scientific articles in prestigious scientific journals such as Science, Nature Immunology, Cell Metabolism or Circulation and has been awarded with prestigious international projects such as the ERC Starting Grant and the ERC Consolidator Grant, as well as important scientific awards, such as LOREAL-UNESCO for Woman in Science or recently the Banco Sabadell Foundation Award for Biomedical Research.
Postdoctoral researcher at CBMSO. With extensive experience in the study of metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases.
Gonzalo Soto Heredero, graduated in Biochemistry at the UAM. Predoctoral researcher specialized in the relationship between metabolism and aging of immune system cells.
Biochemist and predoctoral researcher at CBMSO. His project focuses on the study of the relationship between the immune system and the intestinal microbiota during aging.
Predoctoral student currently doing his thesis under the direction of Dr. Maria Mittelbrunn. Graduated in Biotechnology and Pharmacy at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, he did a stay at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm in 2018 where he studied the involvement of NK cells in toxoplasmosis and another one in 2019 at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of California San Diego where he studied pharmacological treatments against parasitic diseases. Before starting the thesis he has collaborated with the Biology of Aging group at the University Francisco de Vitoria in the study of treatments for diseases linked to cellular aging such as dyskeratosis congenita.
PhD in Neurosciences with a specialty in Neuroimmunology from the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. He has extensive experience in the study of the inflammatory response, both in neurodegenerative pathologies and trauma of the central nervous system. After his time as a postdoctoral researcher at KCL, where he was awarded the Early Research Award, he joins the CBMSO as a senior postdoctoral researcher to continue investigating the role of the immune system in neurodegenerative pathologies.